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Teaching and Support Staff

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Mr J T Silvester MA

Second Master
Ms M Jones BSc

Deputy Head – Academic
Mr D Sabato BA

Deputy Head – Staff
Mr G D Nichols BA, MEd

Head of Sixth Form
Mr G J Walker MA (Cantab), FRSA

Head of Middle School and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr C C Johnston MA, FRGS

Assistant Head – Co-Curricular and Head of Third Form
Mr G S Burger HDip Ed (SA), MEd

Head of Lower School
Mrs R C Harris MA (Oxon)

Assistant Head – Higher Education and Careers
Dr R G Hacksley BA, FRSA

Assistant Head – Data and Curriculum
Dr J H Saunders MA (Cantab), PGDip (GSMD)

Director of Marketing, Admissions and Communications
Mrs J L Morrison BA

Mrs S J Forbes-Whitehead BA*
Mr G J Calvert BEd
Mrs A V Faulds BA

Mrs V L Ginsburg BA*, Deputy Head of Lower School
Mr E J L Baker MA, Deputy Head of Lower School
Mr M E Davies MA, MEd
Mr D M Rowland MA, Deputy Head of Middle School

Computer Science
Ms R A D’Cruz MSc*
Mrs P J Cox BSc
Mrs A Gudgin BSc

Design & Technology
Mr D J Phillips BA*
Ms N C Picton BSc
Ms S S Rose BA

Ms L J Hanneghan-Birt BA* (maternity leave)
Ms B Dyer BEd, Second in Drama, Acting Head of Department
Mr D Houston-Luck
Mrs S L Macmull DipGSA

Mrs L A Bonner MA*
Ms D Abdelghaffar BSc
Mrs A E D’Arcy BA
Mr W M Fulford-Brown BA, Deputy Head of Middle School
Mr G D Nichols BA, MEd, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr E J Rindfleisch BCom (SA), HDipEd (SA)
Mr N P Webb BSc

Mr J D Hughes BA*
Dr M C Brereton MA, Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Mr W J Brotherston BA 
Dr O M Davies BA, MLitt
Mr S R Fraczek MA
Dr R G Hacksley BA, FRSA
Mr M H Wass BA

Mrs N M Liston MA (Oxon)*
Ms L H M Andrews BSc, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr C C Johnston MA, FRGS, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss L H Hilton BA (Cantab)
Miss L R Michell BSc
Mr G E Orme BSc, Acting Deputy Head of Sixth Form

History and Politics
Mr P Middleton MA*, Director of Teaching and Learning
Mr A C Alcoe MA*, Head of Government and Politics
Mr M H J Burson BA
Mr D J Forbes-Whitehead BA
Mrs S Fricke MA (Oxon)
Mrs A J Gregory MA
Mr D Sabato BA, Deputy Head - Academic
Mrs V J Saunders BA, MEd, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lead
Mr G J Walker MA (Cantab), FRSA, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr C D Bradnam BEng*, Stretch and Challenge Coordinator for More Able Pupils
Mrs S A Arazi MSc
Mr G S Burger HDip Ed (SA), MEd, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Cubbon MA (Oxon), Deputy Head of Sixth Form responsible for Oxbridge and Overseas Applications
Mr A T Debney BSc
Mr A R Dexter MSc
Ms J N Edworthy BEng
Mrs T J Gott BSc, ARCS, Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Mrs D A Patel BSc
Mrs K E Penfold BSc, Deputy Head of Third Form
Mrs H J Robertson BEng
Dr J H Saunders MA (Cantab), PGDip (GSMD)
Mr F G D Tozzi BSc, AdDipTechEd
Mrs Z E Wills MA (Oxon) Head of Faculty – Data and Curriculum, Assistant to the Deputy Head – Staff, Internal Exams
Dr D M Young MSc

Modern Languages
Mr J R Russ BA*, Head of French and Head of Modern Languages
Mr K J Squibb BA*, Head of German, Educational Visits Coordinator
Mr M P J Wright BA, MEd*, Head of Spanish
Miss C Bowie Maîtrise F.L.E.
Mrs C E Coudert BA
Ms A Marcos García, Licenciada en Economía MBA
Mrs G Renz MA, MPhil
Ms J L Shen MA
Mrs D P L McGorrian BA, French Assistant
Mrs P Gamble BA, German Assistant
Ms P Postigo Herranz, Spanish Assistant

Mr T H Young MA (Cantab), PGDip*, Head of Academic Music
Mr P F G Craig BMus, Assistant Director of Music
Mr N B Mosley BMus, Choir Director

Physical Education
Mr M J Langston MA*, Director of Sport
Mr J R White BSc*, Assistant Director of Sport, Head of Academic PE
Ms V L Sandell BSc, Head of Girls’ Games
Mr K P P Bracken LLB
Mr R J Brooks PGDip
Mr R D Daurge BSc, Housemaster of Marsh
Mr M C Ilott, Housemaster of Renfrew
Mr D G Odgers, HDipEd (SA)
Mr T R Smith BSc
Mr J F Walmsley BSc, Housemaster of Hawking 
Mr L Duprez MSc, Athletic Development Assistant
Mr J A K Forsyth MSc, Athletic Development Assistant
Mr P C Noakes MSc, BA, Sports Assistant

Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
Ms A C Walker MA*
Miss J S Brunetti BA
Mrs R C Harris MA (Oxon), Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
The Revd Dr C D Pines MB, BS, MA, Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Dr J E Eastmond MA (Cantab)*, Head of Biology and Head of Science
Miss L J Hickey BSc*, Head of Chemistry
Mr G Spencer BSc*, Head of Physics
Miss L M Frost BSc
Miss J J Goldie MPhys
Dr L F Gray BSc, Head of PSHEE
Ms N J Griffiths BSc, MEd (Cantab)
Mrs S A Helgesen BSc, MEd, Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Miss H W Howells BSc
Mrs J M Jex BSc
Ms M Jones BSc, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Y Leong MSci
Mrs J MacGregor BSc
Mrs D Narula MSc, BSc, Teaching and Learning Research and Outreach Coordinator
Mrs S J Offord BSc
Mr E N Olivas Ramos MSc, BSc
Mr D S Russell MChem (Oxon)
Dr B C Scott BSc, Digital Learning Research and Development Coordinator
Mr N G A Shirbini BSc, Housemaster of Hampson
Dr R E Tanner BSc, Director of Cross-Curricular Learning
Mr G P Tyley MA (Oxon)

Learning Support
Mr A J Bateman BA, DipSpLD*
Dr S Alexander MBA
Mrs A Game BA, MEd (Cantab), NASENCo, DipSpLD
Mrs M Godfrey
Miss D Purdue BA

Public Examinations
Mrs N M Gull
Mrs T J Gott BSc, ARCS
Mrs P Pines

Marketing, Admissions and Communications Office
Mrs J L Morrison BA, Director of Marketing, Admissions and Communications
Mr R Restell BA, Marketing and Communications Manager
Mrs I Maiella BA, Digital Marketing and Communications Officer
Mrs T Selwyn BCompt, CA (SA), Head of Admissions
Mrs E Lall BA, Admissions Officer

Development Office
Ms R van der Westhuizen BSc, Development Director
Mrs L Barnes MA, Alumni Relations and Development Manager
Mrs S L Gray MA, Alumni Relations and Development Officer (maternity leave)
Mr J Arkley-Davies BSc, Alumni Relations and Development Officer 
Mrs S Gregory MA, FCD, FRSA, School Archivist

The Revd Dr C D Pines MB, BS, MA

School Medical Officer
Dr T Jollyman MB, ChB, MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG

School Nurses
Ms O R Valeny RN, BN, MSc*
Mrs S M Green RGN, RSCN
Miss J L Mailing RN, BSc
Miss K R Smith, Nursing Assistant

Combined Cadet Force
OC CCF Major D J Forbes-Whitehead, Duke of Edinburgh Manager
SSI CCF WO1 D J Davies

Head of Partnership and Community Links
Mrs J Roberts BA, MEd

Headmaster’s PA
Mrs L Arnull

Bursary Secretary
Mrs R Howard

Sixth Form and Higher Education & Careers Administration Manager
Mrs C Kemp

Music Administrator
Ms S Lonie, BCom, Dip M

Fees & Bursaries Administrator
Mrs J Parrington

School Shop Manager
Mrs C Hillcoat

Ms A Finley
Miss H O’Keeffe

Head of Estates
Mr G Douglas

Building Supervisor and Event Coordinator (Woollams)
Mr Rob Parmenter

Health and Safety Manager
Mr C Rich

Dr H McCabe BA, MLIS*
Ms M Coffey BA
Mrs S Feyisetan BSc

Graduate Assistants
Mr L Duprez MSc
Mr J A K Forsyth MSc
Mr P C Noakes MSc, BA

* denotes Head of Department or Faculty