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Learning Support

St Albans School is academically selective but we recognise that, on occasions, individual pupils might need learning support in part or all of their School work. Our Learning Support Department helps pupils with a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) achieve their full potential, and we offer them support and guidance throughout their time at St Albans School. 

Our aims are to:

• Identify and support neurodiverse pupils in all areas of school life.

• Help all Learning Support pupils achieve the best they can.

We recognise that a range of learning differences or neurodiversity can occur among pupils selected on academic criteria. We know that pupils with a medical, physical or specific learning difference may find some aspects of school life harder, but with a positive and tenacious mindset combined with home and school support, pupils will achieve the best they can. 

We ensure that there is appropriate support for teachers to meet the learning needs of all pupils. We support Quality First Teaching (QFT) in the classroom by providing differentiation strategies.

We carry out literacy and processing screenings for all new pupils who join St Albans School. We also maintain Individual Learning Profiles (ILPs) and offer pupils with an ILP up to three 50-minute 1:1 support sessions per year. These focus on priority needs, whilst encouraging metacognition and greater independence.

For further information about Learning Support at St Albans School please contact Admissions or the Learning Support Department

Click here to view our Learning Support PolicyClick here to view our Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments PolicyClick here to view our Word Processing in Exams Policy