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SASA (St Albans School Association)

SASA (St Albans School Association) is the Parents' Association at St Albans School who organise social events for the School community.

You are automatically a member of SASA if:

  • You are the parent or guardian of a pupil at St Albans School
  • You are a parent or guardian who has accepted a place for your child at the School
  • You are currently or have been a member of staff at the School

SASA was established to bring parents together at informal events and to develop more extended relationships with staff and others associated with the School. They meet as a committe once a term and aim to organise one major event each term.

SASA event include:

  • An AGM in September where new officers elected followed by a drinks reception for parents in the library.
  • Running a bar at Founders' Day
  • Attending Open Mornings to chat with prospective parents
  • Attending new parent events to meet new parents and welcome them to SASA. 

Volunteering at SASA events is a fun and rewarding way to get involved with the school community and to get to know parents from across all year groups.

SASA is not primarily fundraising for the School, but they do aim for events to be profitable and in recent years have been able to purchase many items for the School for which funds would not otherwise have been readily available.

