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The library is a calm and welcoming space in our busy and active School.

We encourage pupils to read beyond the prescribed curriculum, to become familiar with research techniques and to read for pleasure. A variety of materials, hard copy and digital, are available to staff and pupils, and library staff are always on hand with a recommendation.

The library is open from 8am to 6pm each school day and is staffed by a full-time Librarian, an Assistant Librarian and a Library Assistant. Study space for up to 80 readers is available, with access to desktop computers and Wi-Fi.

Library staff assist readers to make enquiries using the Library Catalogue, give guidance on research topics and methods, and information about books and e-resources. Requests for purchase of new resources are sympathetically considered.

The library has online subscriptions to the Dictionary of National Biography, the Oxford English Dictionary, JSTOR, Complete Issues and more, which are available to all pupils. A wide range journals and magazines are also provided.

All First Form (Year 7) classes have an induction lesson on the best way to use library resources. The Junior Library houses fiction and non-fiction specifically for Lower School use. The First and Second Form (Years 7 and 8) enjoy a popular reading lesson every week in this room. They are encouraged to read independently, write short reviews of what they have read and engage in peer recommendation.

We organise visits from popular authors to read from their own work and advise pupils on their own writing. Recent visiting authors have included Caroline Lawrence, Jonathan Stroud OA, Anthony Horowitz, Tom Palmer, Tim Bowler, Chris Bradford, Bali Rai, Nikki Sheehan and Ben Davies.

Book Clubs are run at lunch time and students can shadow a range of book awards. Our displays reflect the interests of our students and encourage discussion and enquiry into new topics. We aim to inspire a love of reading in all our students and staff.

Stalbans1703 091