One of the School’s goals is to fully develop all aspects of an individual’s character and talents. The PSHEE (Personal, Social Health and Economic Education) programme provides space and resources for growth each pupil in their understanding of the world and their place in it. Our lessons are delivered by form tutors, who know each child well and who provide opportunities for discussion of and reflection on a wide range of issues, from health and wellbeing, relationship and sex education and risk to the exploration of moral dilemmas, the development of good study skills and British values.
We also arrange termly PSHEE days, which complement the tutor lead sessions. They are varied and include: talks from external speaker, workshops, theatre plays and demonstrations. The topics we explore are also covered in many other academic subjects and staff are trained to facilitate this cross-curricula discussion. Regular PSHEE assemblies also enrich the curriculum and are presented by a range of staff, external speakers and by peers.
As a result, almost every member of our staff is actively engaged in PSHEE teaching in some way. We have a well-stocked PSHEE resource area in the library, accessible to both pupils and staff, work closely with the school nurses and our school counsellor. Parents are kept up to date with termly newsletters and are encouraged to work with the PSHEE department to continue the conversations started in the classroom at home, suggested resources are offered to parents to help facilitate this and twice a year Parents’ Events are held to give them a chance to experience some of the speakers who form part of the PSHEE program and to develop their understanding in areas such as; substance addition, anxiety, online safety and health relationships.
PSHEE Lower School
In Lower School pupils begin their PSHEE journey by getting to know themselves and their peers better. The First Form programme is titled ‘Surviving and Thriving… ’ with the first term focussing on ‘at St Albans School’, looking at values, friendship and how to stay healthy. The second term focussed on ‘in the world’, with pupils looking at diversity, bullying, peer pressure and online risk. The final term prepares students for exams with a focus of ‘in my studies’ encouraging students to study well while looking after their mental health. The Second Form is divided into ‘Knowing me’, ‘ Knowing others’ and ‘Knowing the world’ and it develops the topics looked at in First Form, it includes topics such as effects of the media, success and failure, relationships, interpersonal skills, finance and citizenship.
PSHEE in Third Form
In Third Form the PSHEE Curriculum is divided into three themes across the three terms ‘Getting to know your mind’, ‘Getting to know your body’ and ‘Getting to know your choices’. The first term focuses on values, goals and resilience, getting students to evaluate their attitudes to a number of issues. The second term looks at the teenage brain and body, body image and relationships. The final term gives students space to begin to consider risky behaviours, how to survive a party, covers the basics of drugs, alcohol and sexual relationships and gives them some first aid skills.
PSHEE in Middle School
In Middle School the PSHEE sessions incorporate a lot of the laws around the various topics covered, as we encourage students to take full responsibility for themselves and their actions. The Fourth Form programme begins with the ‘Diversity’ topic, in this topic we look at all forms of discrimination and prejudice and how to respect difference. In the second term the students look at ‘Risk’, they cover street safety, drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling and online safety and come away feeling reassured that they have a good understanding of some of the choices they may be faced with through life. The final term looks at ‘Healthy Relationship’ which has a strong focus on consent, contraception, sexual harassment, rape, coercive control, porn and sexting. These topics are explored sensitively with plenty of space for students to ask questions. In Fifth form the focus is on ‘Health and Wellbeing’, as we begin to get pupils ready for exams and their future talking about mental health and physical health. Pupils then consider ‘Future Plans’ looking at finance and careers.
PSHEE in Sixth Form
In Sixth Form the students look at PSHEE topics which will directly affect them in the near future. The Lower Sixth Form programme looks at ‘Choices’, ‘Attitudes’ and ‘Decisions’, we discuss the law and relevant topics which link to these themes. Students discuss the choices they face with regards to substance use and sexual relationships, they look at their attitudes to a range of things including; driving, diversity, prejudice and mental health and they end focussing on the decisions they are facing with regards to university places, careers and exams. In Upper Sixth Form the first part of the year looks at ‘Health and Safety’ students gain first aid skills, self defence skills, knowledge of how to manage their own health and relationships and what to do if they are the victim of a crime or abuse, all these things get them ready to move on to university. Their final theme is ‘Moving on’ they get practical information about finance, housing, healthy eating and university life and its pit falls. Our aim to send the off feeling equipped for their lives ahead.